November 19, 2023  
Now that the Colorado State Rams' 2023 home football season is over --
ending with a 30-20 win over Nevada Saturday -- I'll renew this suggestion, both here and in social media. I hope that by next season, a street outside Canvas Stadium is renamed Lt. Col. John
Mosley Boulevard, honoring one of the most stalwart of the Stalwarts. The Denver native was a CSU / A&M football, wrestling
and student body trailblazer, then a Tuskegee Airman, and a long-time officer as an Air Force pilot through the Vietnam era
who finished up his working years with the federal government. That's all. He's
the most Stalwart of the Stalwarts. I was proud to
do several stories and a book passage on Lt. Col. Mosley, and I interviewed him on camera for 104 minutes for a Fox Sports
Rocky Mountain feature. (In the photo below, that's my right shoulder.) I've got that interview on a DVD. Here's an omnibus version of my writing on Lt. Col. Mosley. 